The Power of Water

I feel at peace near water. Always have. Oddly, my nightmares usually consist of tsunamis and people running for their lives - there’s a lot to unpack there. But I think mainly it’s because I respect the ultimate power that water has on the planet and within us.

Water is smart.

Water is necessary.

Water is confident.

I’ve recently begun my learning process with water media, and I can say that each medium has its own quirks, just like people— oil is obedient and adaptable and forgiving, acrylic enjoys its multi-layered personality, water… Water’s different. Water behaves, but on its own terms. I enjoy its confidence. It’s like it wants me to give it a push. It wants to be led and guided, but it definitely likes to make its own ultimate decisions. We’re a lot alike, water and me.


If you have to Squint…


The Art of Learning: consistency.